Wednesday, April 3, 2013

LIFE.....So many words, some not so pretty. LOL

So.... I didn't realize how long it had been since my last blog. It is funny to look back and see the exact time that "Life" came up and slapped me up side the head and tripped me backwards on my butt. I had a pretty hard and confusing few months. And I really hate to say it was chaos, cause I refuse to let the devil have that kind of hold on me. ( 1 Corinthians 14:33) . Lets just say it has been a ride. LOL I have had a pretty heavy load on my plate for a while but I am learning to manage it better. Since my last blog I need to show you the very cute and amazing last foodie pen pal box I got. We started homeschooling our son. So I some interesting new insight on all of that.  And just school and basic amazing life. :) I will go in and give each New (old) update it's own post, as it deserves. You will be hearing from me soon.